Intended Audience
A high-level technical overview to personnel involved in product management, marketing, planning, design, engineering, and operations.
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
■ Define CBRS
■ Differentiate Tiered licensing structure: IA, PAL and GAA
■ Give examples of use cases for CBRS
■ Sketch the architecture of a CBRS-based network
■ Describe the roles of a CBSD, SAS, and ESC
■ Step through key operations of CBRS
1. CBRS Essentials
1.1 Definition of CBRS
1.2 Three-tier licensing structure (IA, PAL, GAA)
1.3 Types of spectrum
1.4 Band 48 for CBRS
1.5 CBRS Standards bodies - CBRS Alliance, WInnForum
1.6 CBRS Use cases
2. CBRS System Architecture
2.1 End-to-end architecture
2.2 CBSD categories A and B
2.3 Key nodes: SAS, ESC, Proxy
2.4 End user devices
Exercise: CBRS Band characteristics
3. CBRS Operations
3.1 Overview of CBSD operations
3.2 Registration
3.3 Grant Request
3.4 Exchance between CBSD and SAS
3.5 Inter-SAS communications
3.6 Dynamic Protection Area (DPA)
3.7 Security mechanism
4. CBRS Deployment
4.1 Use cases: Mobile Offload, Fixed Wireless, Private LTE, Neutral Host
4.2 CBRS in LAA and eLAA operation
Putting It All Together