After completing this course, the student will be able to:
■ Describe basics of light and fiber optic cables
■ Describe the operations of a fiber
■ Describe the anatomy of optical fiber
■ Compare and contrast SMF and MMF
■ List factors working with connectors and ferrules
■ List best practices working with fiber and SFPs
■ Describe key components in WDM systems
1. Fiber Basics
1.1 Light Basics
1.2 All About SFPs
1.3 Fiber Anatomy
1.4 SMF vs. MMF
1.5 Connectors and Ferrules
2. Fiber Operation
2.1 Power Loss, Dispersion and Attenuation
2.2 Physical Impairments in Fiber
2.3 Fiber Cleaning
3. Fiber Troubleshooting
3.1 What’s wrong with this picture?
4. Wavelength Division Multiplexing
4.1 Wavelength Division Multiplexing
4.2 CWDM vs. DWDM
4.3 WDM Systems
4.4 CWDM Systems
Final Assessment